Innovative Curriculum, Improvements in ACT Scores Net “Red Quill Award”

Recognition validates five-year faculty effort

2/11/13 – Warren, MI—De La Salle Collegiate was recently named as a 2012 – 2013 Red Quill Award winner, the top recognition awarded by the ACT Midwest Region. DLS is one of only 21 schools nationwide to be honored; this is the first time DLS has received this honor.

The Red Quill Award recognizes schools that have executed innovative methods to improve instruction and demonstrated ongoing improvements in ACT scores during the past five years.

“This award exemplifies the academic excellence of De La Salle,” said Br. Thomas Lackey, FSC, President of DLS.

To increase student achievement and standardized test scores, De La Salle established a “Professional Learning Community (PLC)” in 2008. Teachers meet, review test data, and share ideas, during the school day.

Innovative Curriculum, Improvements in ACT Scores Net “Red Quill Award” Recognition validates five-year faculty effort Red Quill recipients must have displayed a high level of dedication to data analysis, and to developing and increasing curriculum and instruction based on students’ learning needs.

Principal Patrick Adams said, “This award validates what we’ve been doing as a faculty for the last five years. Our PLC teams review test results
• to determine student strengths and
• to analyze how student learning styles vary,
• and in what areas students need extra time and support.”

The ACT scores are just one piece of the testing program at De La Salle. Freshmen take the Explore test, sophomores take the PLAN test, and juniors take the ACT.

Mr. Adams said, “The schools honored all showed they had taken the data and determined where we needed to change classroom instruction.”