Superiore Generale
Via Aurelia, 476 – C. P. 9099
00100 Roma, Italia
Tel: 39-06-665-231 § FAX: 39-06-663-8821

Dear Brothers, Sisters,
Union of Catechists,
Members of the Signum Fidei Fraternity,
Partners, Associates,
and all members of the Lasallian Family

We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him As to his death, he died to sin once and for all; as to his life, he lives for God. Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as [being] dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6: 9 – 11). brother-alvaro

Once again the risen Lord invites us to share his triumph over death and to fight for the values of life. The Risen One is the Good News of love who conquers death and renews and builds up life. He is the Good News of justice and freedom, who conquers all forms of oppression, marginalization and slavery. He proclaims that the forces of evil do not have nor will have the last word in the history of humankind. The definitive word is the word of life and peace. We are the bearers of this word in our ministry of human and Christian education.

The resurrection of Jesus is the central core of our faith and of our vocation. It gives deep meaning to our lives as members of the Lasallian Family and it opens a door for us to a definitive future, filling our hearts with great hope despite the crises we may experience today.

On Easter Sunday we celebrate with all of humankind. This celebration goes beyond uncertainties, limitations, instability, the influence of evil in an unjust world – all these influences in the Church itself and in ourselves. We open ourselves to the life forces of the Risen One who encourages us to live a deeper spirituality, to live our family or community lives with greater quality, to have a new passion for the wonderful mission with which the Risen Lord has entrusted us, to be instruments of salvation for children and young people, especially the poor, the least loved and those who are searching for meaning in their lives.

The mystery of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, who calls and sends us, impels us to live a full Easter existence as witnesses of the new life of the Risen Lord.

HAPPY EASTER 2012 to all Lasallians! May this Feast of the Risen Jesus provide us with much life, hope, reconciliation and peace.


Fraternally yours in De La Salle,

Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría
Superior General