Riverdale, NY – Even in the midst of this pandemic, an exciting collaboration has begun.
Brother Abel Sekone, FSC, (graduate of Christ the Teacher Institute for Education, Nairobi) has been accepted as a graduate student at Manhattan College. Studying Applied Mathematics, Abel is in his second week of remote classes (4800 miles from Manhattan College) with the hope of being able to join the community once the USA Embassy in Burkina Faso re-opens.
This collaboration includes Manhattan College, the CBC Community, the District of West Africa, and DENA. On Labor Day, Brother Abel had a zoom meeting with many of the community members and he had a separate zoom meeting with Brother Carlos Pinto-Corredor, FSC (member of the CBC Community) and two Lasallian Scholars at Manhattan, Rachel Bower and JT Taylor, both Lasallian Volunteer alums. Photo included here.
Bienvenue, Frere Abel.