Face of the Fund: Mailyn Gonzalez

by Ms. Brenda Blanton, Reading Specialist – La Salle Educational Center, Homestead

Mailyn Gonzalez is a motivated young lady who has been attending La Salle Educational Center in Homestead FL since January 2021 to improve her studies. She comes to “Centro La Salle” because she fi nds guidance, learns study skills, and feels it helps her get motivated. “Coming to the Center helps me stay organized and keep track of my work.” The Saint John Baptist de La Salle Fund helps the Center to provide Mailyn with the support she needs to succeed in school.

Her school has been virtual since the pandemic began. Although this year has proved challenging, she is looking forward to the future. She is in the seventh grade but is already trying to prepare for the classes she will be taking in high school. To help her, the Center has provided her with preparatory books in chemistry and math for her to review over the summer.

The La Salle Educational Center helps her navigate her extensive workload, and also advocates on her behalf. Mailyn must miss school once a week for therapy on her back, so the Center helps her communicate with teachers to excuse absences and request extensions on assignments. Having people at the Center that understand the school system and her situation helps her communicate more effectively with her teachers.

The Center is a place where Mailyn can engage with others in activities that are not being offered through virtual learning. As an example, she was thrilled to participate in culinary and arts & crafts activities being offered in Spanish at the Center during spring break. She says, “Being at the Center helps me take a break from technology.”

THE ST. JOHN BAPTIST DE LA SALLE FUND seeks to ensure that a Lasallian education is available and accessible to those students most in need. Through an initial program of student sponsorship and a growing program of grants to identified schools, the Fund provides tuition assistance for students to attend a Lasallian school. With your support, we are now providing $845,000 annually for our students in need. All are welcome to join the Brothers and their Partners-in-Mission in this specially dedicated scholarship fund which continues to grow each year.