Monastery of the Mount of Temptation - Jericho

Monastery of the Mount of Temptation – Jericho

Gospel – Mark 1:12-15

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert,
and he remained in the desert for forty days,
tempted by Satan.
He was among wild beasts,
and the angels ministered to him.

After John had been arrested,
Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:
“This is the time of fulfillment.
The kingdom of God is at hand.
Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Reflection by Br. Stephen Tuohy, FSC

Jesus and John were cousins; John was a bit older.

John’s mission was to prepare the way for Jesus.

This passage reminds us that Jesus’ mission began as John’s mission was ending. A torch had been passed.

This is my eighth year at Bethlehem University, first as Vice President for Development then as Vice President of Human Resources.

This year there are seven Brothers in the community from five countries: Ethiopia, Mexico, New Zealand, Palestine and United States (3), representing all five Regions of the Institute. We are an international community.

What could be better than celebrating Christmas in Bethlehem? Each Christmas the Brother communities from Jerusalem and Jaffa join us in Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. This year because of COVID only one Brother and Seminarian from Jerusalem were able to join us.

Reflection Questions

  • Consider those who have prepared the way for you to pursue your mission and those you may be able to assist in pursuing their mission.
  • Pray in thanksgiving for those who have helped you. If you have not already done so, thank them before it is too late.
  • Pray for the competence and confidence to help others.

Bethlehem University Community Christmas 2020 Rear Row: Br Daoud (Jerusalem), Br Alejandro (Mexico), Baptiste (French Seminarian), Br Belayneh (Ethiopia), Br Peter Bray (New Zealand), Br Neil (USA) Front Row: Br Jean (Palestine), Br Peter Iorlano (USA), Br Stephen (USA)