Rome, Italy – The Principal of De La Salle College Ashfield Mr Stephen Kennaugh says students and staff at the Sydney school will benefit greatly through closer links with De La Salle College Toronto and a number of other schools in Canada.

Mr Kennaugh recently returned from a visit to the Canadian province of Ontario during the Australian spring holidays where he visited a number of schools, taught lessons on student leadership and visited the offices of the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Mr Kennaugh undertook the visit as a participant in the NSW-based Leading Educators Around the Planet (LEAP) program which is open to teachers across public and Catholic schools.

The program provides educational leaders in NSW with an invaluable opportunity to connect with international colleagues to help enhance teaching and learning across different countries and school systems.

Through the program, Mr Kennaugh has formed a new Peer Principal partnership with Ms Virginia Pang from Western Technical College, a public school in Toronto which specialises in vocational education and training.

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