From the article written by Lou Baldwin for

Attendees at a recent Mass and reunion of graduates of the former St. Francis Vocational School, and current residents of its successor St. Francis-St. Joseph Homes, pose for a photo, including long-time chaplain Trinitarian Sister Bernardine Schmalhofer (far left).
Philadelphia, PA – As memorial Masses go, the Mass held recently in the chapel of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity’s Generalate in Northeast Philadelphia was tiny — perhaps 20 or so mostly elderly men who more than 50 years ago attended St. Francis Vocational School, now a much smaller St. Francis-St. Joseph’s Home for Children.
Included in the group were a few spouses and current residents, and also Trinitarian Sister Bernardine Schmalhofer, a long-time chaplain for St. Francis; Frank White, a former staff member and Oblate of St. Francis de Sales Father Jim Dalton, a long-time friend of the group and celebrant of the Mass.
What makes the group most interesting is that they represent a child care system that no longer exists. It was a system where children often entered at birth and remained until they were deemed old enough to earn a living on their own.
They were born before the era of Aid for Dependent Children, food stamps and other programs of the social safety net that enable today’s needy families, especially single parents, to raise their children at home.
For those who entered at birth in that past generation a first stop for Catholic children was usually St. Vincent’s Home in Lansdowne conducted by the Daughters of Charity. Girls might stay all the way through their school years.
Boys of school age were passed on to St. John’s Orphan Asylum in West Philadelphia, which was conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph, and at age 11 or so passed either to St. Joseph Home for Boys in Philadelphia, which was conducted by the Holy Ghost Fathers or to St. Francis in Eddington, which was conducted by the Christian Brothers.
Ed Mockapetris, now 72, entered the system after his father’s death and mother’s illness. He entered in sixth grade and most of his high school years were at Father Judge.
“In my senior year I was in a transitional program and working at Horn & Hardart,” he said.
After leaving St. Francis he received a partial scholarship to La Salle College and even spent a college year in Switzerland. He also thought about possibly entering the seminary, but most of his career was in health care. He met his wife Angela through Epsilon Nu, which was a Catholic singles group, and they married in 1983.
As for St. Francis, “It gave me a sense of organization and direction,” he said. “It was a disciplined and ordered life. I was a daily communicant when I was there and continued to be for many years. I already had a deep love of Our Lord my parents taught me and that was enhanced at St. Francis.”
I know well about St. Francis Vocational School. I was sent there after spending a few years in St. John School fir childern in west Philadelphia before being transferrf to St. Francis Vocational School, in eddington or Cornwell Heights Pennsylvania. We were taught by the Christian brothers , namely brother james and Brother Kenneth and many others. Eveny so often the brothers would test us befiore going back to school the following year. We were Schooled right in St. Francis until we were iold enough to know and understand the value of Hight School. I was sent to Bensalem High School and played Basketball and track and field. Saint Francis told us carpentry cabinet making mechanics in a little farming There is much much more but there is not enough time or room to put down all the live learn from Saint Francis.
HI DAVID. This is aka DAVID COPPER, many years gone pass, I hope your journey through life was enjoyable. I was talking with MALOR FIFE III about the old days.
Hey David, I remember you, it’s me gus serrano.
1 August 201
Hi Guys,
Saw Lou’s entry and your picture from recent gathering.
Great you could get together once again. Feel free to get in touch. Br. Colman FSC
Area orphanages alumni
Looking for Richard Higgins whicalso attended St. Francis.
Tom McMahon is the person looking for Richard Higgins.
Hey tom it’s Jack Haley. I am in Vermont now. Since 1985 when I moved from Philadelphia. I lived Billy Clausson across the street from you in 1965. Then I went into the Marine Corps.
Hope you are well?
Best Jack
Oh I remember Richard Higgins and his brother was it Michael Higgins?
Came to St Francis in 66 from St John’s stayed through 67, Brother Alfonz was definitely my favorite mentor.
One of the strongest memories is of a funeral for a former student killed in the Vietnam war an Army sargent buried at the school grounds over near the old outdoor pool. He was an orphan whos only family was his school family. He served in WWII, Korean and Vietnam.
Does anyone know what became of his and other soldiers graves now that the property has been split up?
Hi Christopher, The cemetery at St. Francis down by the pool is still there it has been fenced in and restored. I was the guy who dug his grave for Brother Steven. His name was Hugh Elmore.
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Area orphanages alumni
Area orphanages alumni
I arrived at St. Francis from the Philadelphia court system on February 24, 1964, after spending time in the Youth Study Center from November 22, 1963. There was no Youth and Family Services or DYFS back then.
I attended Father Judge High School until June of 1965, when I foolishly went back into a dis-functional home against the counsel of my social worker at that time. Fortunately for me, I was returned to the Philadelphia Catholic Social Services system and sent to live at the other “HUT”; St. Joseph’s House @ 16th. & Allegheny Avenue in North Philadelphia.
I was already familiar with the Christian Brothers religious order, as I was a Freshman at West Catholic High School until that fateful day when President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas Texas. In those days, the police weren’t interested in a child’s side of any dispute with one’s parents. Fortunately the courts figured out the truth a short time later.
I have always treasured my years at the two orphanages and always give them credit for setting me on the straight and narrow path of life. I don’t know where I would have ended up without them. I had nothing but positive interactions with both institutions and it is sad to know that they no longer exist as they once did.
I knew a Rick Higgins when I lived at St. Francis between February 1964 and June of 1965.
I remember Brother Kevin (ex-Marine) was a very fair, firm disciplinarian who use to carry a green parrot around on his shoulder. Brother Ligouri managed the greenhouse and drove the school bus that took us back and forth from Father Judge High School. Brother Eugene managed the infirmary. There was a very tall Brother Kenneth.
I learned to play chess from an elderly Brother, Pius I think his name was; could never beat him at chess or checkers either. He carried around a box of candy and would give you a candy bar if you managed to do so.
We had a black and white St. Bernard that was a lot of fun in the snow. He couldn’t be held back once he got outside into the snow and ice; very big dog.
I remember the military funerals for boys killed in Vietnam and who had no family; no other place to be interred. One such funeral was for Hugh Elmore. What ever happened to the grave site and those interred there?
I remember Leon Loach, Bill Gardner, U S Grant (don’t remember his first name; but, we called him US). Grant was not very tall; but, I never met another human being so solidly built, not an once of fat on that man anywhere!
I remember the very large outdoor swimming pool, the movie theater where saw the original 300 Spartans with Richard Egan in the leading role of Leonidis.
Area orphanages alumni
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I knew Rick Higgins, if I remember right, I believe Rick had one eye.
I finally remember my years at Saint Francis vocational school and Mr. Bob the janitor waxing those large halls And my great friend and caseworker Mr. John Paul.
Bob the janitor was a great man. I remember him with his pipe in mouth buffing the center hall
I really thought the world of Bob. I found him to be a fine male role model. He was laid back and easy going but had a strong work ethic and joyful disposition.
What year were you there Franklin?
I am Michael Clemens. I attended St. Francis with my brother Richard Clemens ( Bippy ). We both attended Father Judge but left to attend Simon Gratz HighSchool, after leaving, the Hut I especially remember Brother Coleman and Brother Lugosi, Brother Damion, were my mentors. After High School, I joined the US Army and from 1964, to 1967, I proudly served 2 years in Germany and 6 months in South Korea. My military job was working on surface to air Nike Hercules Nuclear missiles. I continued working in them upon my discharge from the Army until they became obsolete. St Francis gave me an excellent tech background. I drove Greyhound bus several years, worked as a boiler tech, I did nuclear refueling for VEPCO in West Virginia, became a sewer plant operator and mechanic, I was licensed as a water plant operator, I managed construction crews both commercial and residential with a speciality of Historical restoration and renovations at Valley Forge National Park. I became a licensed flooring specialist and contractor, retiring 10 years ago after teaching, “ how to classes at Home Depot! I live in Chester County and I am a active member in St. Peter Catholic Church. I love Lectoring and my grands. My Bride and I love traveling, cooking and our three cats and spoiled dog, Teddy! Saint Francis was a great place to matriculate and the head start we got with the farm, wood shop, laundry, plumbing, the refrectory, team sports, swimming, and yes the discipline! God bless you all and may our Almighty, forever hold you in His everlasting embrace! Mike
So great to see this site. After St. Francis I went to St. Joe’s, then St. Gabriel’s for a year…
Wish you all the best!
My name is Richard Kolb and I was at St. Francis from 1951-1957. I went to Father Judge H.S. from 1954-1957 and was in the first graduating class. I worked at the Chicken Yard and worked with Bro. Ligouri in the Greenhouses. My stay at St. Francis was mostly pleasant. I was fortunate to have a family that were like foster parents and they were very kind to me. I lived with them when I left the Hut for about two years. I am still in touch with many of the Old Hut guys Also I am presently the President of the Friends of St. Francis. Our mission of the Friends is to remember their Birthdays with a monetary gift and give a student 100.00 dollars. The Friends have been around since 1976. We are still very active with Hut and hold a Picnic on the Old Grounds of the Hut every September.
My husband, Stanley Dadura was at St. Francis in the 50’s I believe. He today talks about his days at St. Francis. All the ground they had at the Hut and the farm animals. Please contact me if there are any reunions for him.
Ann Dadura
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My Uncle, Bro. Leo, taught there for many years. Late 40’s till 70’s until his MS took over. He passed away in 83.
I went to St Francis Vocational School in 1960 I was there until 1964 when I left I cried like a baby I did not want to leave they always told me that old would you be able to have a home there. I moved to Maryland where I raised three children when I came back and I found it was destroyed I tried again I walked the grounds the old movie house was still there but everything was all grown over and it look like they were selling out the ground and putting in new houses where all the pastors wear where I used to take the horses and the cattle
Saint Francis Vocational School saved my life every time I would think of doing something wrong when I left there and got with the wrong group I would get away from them and remember what the brothers told me
Sgt. Theodore Aloyis Dougherty
That what’s the name of former Saint Francis and St John’s, alumni and true orphan who served in World War II, Korea and what’s killed in Vietnam and then buried there at the school grounds.
my father Francis Lawrence and his brother Rufus Lawrence were sent to this shoe home around 1920 how can I find records or information or someone he was there thx
I am looking for anyone who knew my father, Francis Kolarik. He was at St. Francis in the 50s but he was in orphanages from when he was 3 years old (1939). He has never spoken about his life and my family and I would love to find out more about his life and maybe even connect with past family and friends.
The cemetery is rebuilt behind the. School and in front of the cottages. I visit there often as I live close by.
I was sent there in 1964 I hung out with Tom Ritchie. Dan Miller and monk. Maggie Snow was my girl friend and I still think of her often.
I have fond memories of the hut and wish is was still around.
My name back then was Charles Orwan I know that children today need a place like that.
Thanks for letting people know where former St. Francis students are currently buried.
Hi Christopher, The cemetery at St. Francis down by the pool is still there it has been fenced in and restored. I was the guy who dug his grave for Brother Steven. His name was Hugh Elmore.
Still looking for Richard Higgins.
So,.. Jimmy from Philly was sent here… and made him hate his mother… ok.
my name is bill wenning. Was in St. Francis from 1965 to 1967. I remember Bro. James and Kenneth. Do former residents still get together for Christmas mass? I have fond memories of hanging out in Croyden with the crew!!
I was at St Francis in the 60s with my brothers Kenny and James. I can honestly say some of the things l’ve learned there are still a part of me to this day. One thing is for sure I still have my green thumb from working in the greenhouse. I left St.Francis in 1965 and tomorrow will be 56 years ago I went into the Navy. Life’s been good!
Phil Dawson. Good to know you’re doing well. very sorry about Jimmy. Major Fife III told me about his passing. He was a good friend. I remember the old days. Wow,
Does anyone remember Andrew Crispo from this school?
I have just come across an envelope of letters written from students to my mother in 1961. My mother was in a terrible car accident and the 9th grade boys wrote her thanksgiving letters telling her they wished her well and were praying for her. I don’t believed she ever acknowledged these sweet letters all though she did appreciate them. If anyone on here was in 9th grade there in 1961 I would love to match the name to the letters written and thank you.
I have a memory of Lou Alcindor playing for Francis when he was in 5th grade I’m gonna guess 1958…I’m also remembering an afro amercan player last name anderson All CYO 1960.
Dave Frederick Our Lady of Grace 1960 Bishop Egan 1964
Amin, hi my name is Marcellus Brown. I attended St. Francis Voc from 78 to 80. What a beautiful experience. The staff at the schooled showed an inner-city kid, something positive & caring.