Freddy GlassmanDENA’s 2013 Christmas Card Contest Winner

Freddy Glassman, a 15-year old junior at St John’s College High School, has always loved to draw. Despite this fact, Freddy had never taken an art class until this year, when she decided to enroll in Foundations in Art. Surprisingly, she had never considered taking an art class until her friends suggested the idea after seeing her drawings. Freddy has enjoyed learning drawing techniques and methods introduced in art class.

Freddy was born in Seattle, WA to a German mother and an American father. In her 15 years, she has lived and gone to school in Germany, Zambia and Israel. In addition to English, Freddy speaks fluent German and conversational Spanish.

Freddy’s favorite subjects are math and English.  She also plays both soccer and lacrosse. After she graduates from high school, Freddy would like to attend college in Germany and study engineering.

Click here for a closer look at Freddy’s winning artwork, and all of our students’ submissions >