10/5/12 – Freeport, NY – When Marcello saw Br. Thomas Casey as he disembarked from the van upon his return from Vermont, he excitedly showed Brother the photo of Madagascar stored in his digital camera. The calf was born about 7 AM on September 19th, and all the De La Salle School fifth graders witnessed the delivery. This special experience for Freeport Class of 2016 marked the first time an animal was born during the time a delegation from The De La Salle School was at Spring Brook Farm. (This is the seventh consecutive year the youngest students have ventured to Vermont to experience life on a farm.)

This working dairy farm in Reading, Vermont was the fifth graders’ classroom for a week. The eighteen members of the class, accompanied by Mr. Rall and Mr. Donodeo, had numerous opportunities to grow in responsibility, experience teamwork, and witness the autumnal beauty of the Green Mountains.

“It was hard work but fun,” said Ronaldo. Alex reported that he “had to turn the cheese wheels.” “Stacking the bales of hay” was a high point for Robert. Angel enjoyed staffing the farm’s booth at the local farmer’s market. All agreed that the food was great, and enjoying eggs for breakfast that they had brought from the chicken coop and tasting maple syrup from the farm’s trees on their pancakes was a treat as well.

“We are grateful to the Farms for City Kids Foundation for covering all the expenses associated with our students’ time in Vermont,” said Br. Thomas, Executive Director of The De La Salle School. The school only had to pay transportation costs.