45th General Chapter

April 22 – June 8, 2014
Rome, Italy

District Representatives

Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC
Visitor, DENA

Br. Charles Kitson, FSC
Auxiliary Visitor, DENA

Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC
Principal, Central Catholic High School – Pittsburgh, PA

Br. William Mann, FSC
President, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota

Br. Robert Schieler’s Closing Remarks for the 45th General Chapter (June 7th)

Click here for the transcript of  Br. Robert Schieler’s closing remarks >

The end goal is to determine the direction and focus of the Lasallian world for the next 7 years. The decisions made during the two months of the 45th General Chapter will guide our Lasallian family comprised of approximately:

  • 5,000 Brothers
  • 84,000 Partners
  • 850,000 students
  • In over 80 countries



“Constituted as an image of the whole Institute, the General Chapter is, since the days of the Founder, the ultimate expression of the communion that exists among all the Brothers. It perpetuates among them the living fidelity to the special charism of the Institute.” — The Rule 103

Outlined in Chapter 7 of the Brothers’ Rule, the General Chapter, held every seven years, is responsible for evaluating the status, planning the adaptation and renewal of, and providing guidance for the future of the Institute. It is also during this time of General Chapter that the Brother Superior and the Brothers Councilors are elected and appointed. After 14 years (2 terms) in office, Brother Alvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, FSC, the 26th successor to St. John Baptist de La Salle, will step down, and a new Superior General will be elected by the delegates of the Chapter.

News & Updates 

General Chapter Week 5: From Assistant Sacristan to Superior General

by Br. Charles Kitson, FSC

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Pre-Chapter Events

International Symposium of Young Lasallians

International Young Brothers Assembly

International Mission Assembly

Throughout this past year, Lasallians from around the world have reflected on the current realities of our Lasallian family, sharing their ideas for the future of the Lasallian mission in three pre-chapter meetings. The hope, faith, and work captured at the International Mission Assembly, International Young Brothers Assembly, and International Symposium of Young Lasallians will be submitted to the 88 elected Brother delegates of the General Chapter. From every Region, District and ministry in the Institute, delegates elected by their local communities are tasked to review the recommendations from these Lasallian gatherings with consideration to the realities of the mission among the local sectors.