Rome, Italy – In a climate of fraternity and work was held the first meeting of the new Committee for vocations appointed by the Superior General, Bro. Robert Schieler, formed by Fr. Eder Polido – RELAL; Rey Mejias – PARC; José Manuel Sauras – RELAF; Jacques Vincent the Dréaut – RELEM; Jesús Rubio, Joseph Felix, the Secretariat for Formation and Rafa Matas, General Councilor; Mr. Chris Swain – RELAN; Sister Juana Torres, HGS; and Miss Chiara Nardelli – Signum Fidei.

The Committee was created to be the meeting point, a place of reflection and discernment and a conducive space to coordinate and promote the culture of vocations in all its dimensions, following the spirit of the Proposition 24 of the 45th General Chapter ( CG). As Lasallians we rely on “the culture of life understood as a vocation” (GC 4.8) and this is where we will invest our efforts. We are realistic and none of us considers this as a full time job for the Committee having many other comitments at home; however, we would do our best to give it a new impetus.

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