Providence, RI – San Miguel School Executive Director John Wolf appeared on GoLocal LIVE ahead of the school’s 25th Anniversary Gala at Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet on Friday.

San Miguel School of Providence is a private, independent Lasallian middle school for urban boys from the Greater Providence area, that was originally founded by Brother Lawrence Goyette.

Wolf spoke to being a teacher originally at the school after serving in the Navy, before teaching in public charter schools in Rhode Island, and returning to San Miguel to take the helm as Executive Director.

“When Brother Lawrence started the school, he was looking for a better opportunity for boys in the city of Providence that didn’t have much educationally, so he started the school — it was very bare-bones in the beginning,” said Wolf. “Some people look at it as a miraculous start because it was literally almost from nothing, and the one thing he started teaching the boys that he thought they could use long term was the character trying of opening yourself up to someone who came in and welcoming them with a firm handshake and looking them in the eye.”

Wolf spoke to the role that both donors and San Miguel alumni have in the success of the school — and where he envisions the school’s next 25 years might look like.

Click here to watch the broadcast.