Gospel – Luke 19:28-40

Jesus proceeded on his journey up to Jerusalem.
As he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany
at the place called the Mount of Olives,
he sent two of his disciples.
He said, “Go into the village opposite you,
and as you enter it you will find a colt tethered
on which no one has ever sat.
Untie it and bring it here.
And if anyone should ask you,
‘Why are you untying it?’
you will answer,
‘The Master has need of it.’”
So those who had been sent went off
and found everything just as he had told them.
And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them,
“Why are you untying this colt?”
They answered,
“The Master has need of it.”
So they brought it to Jesus,
threw their cloaks over the colt,
and helped Jesus to mount.
As he rode along,
the people were spreading their cloaks on the road;
and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives,
the whole multitude of his disciples
began to praise God aloud with joy
for all the mighty deeds they had seen.
They proclaimed:
“Blessed is the king who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Peace in heaven
and glory in the highest.”
anthony-baginskiSome of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him,
“Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”
He said in reply,
“I tell you, if they keep silent,
the stones will cry out!”

Reflection on the Gospel from Br. Anthony Baginski, FSC

Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God.

In the span of an hour on Palm Sunday, we relive the procession of Jesus into Jerusalem followed by Jesus’ passion and death.

           “As he rode along, the people were
spreading their cloaks on the road;” (Lk 19:36)

“Herod and his soldiers treated him contemptuously
and mocked him, and after clothing him in resplendent
garb, he sent him back to Pilate.” (Lk 23:11)

“Blessed is the king who comes in
the name of the Lord.” (Lk 19:38)

“They continued in their shouting, ‘Crucify him!
Crucify him!’” (Lk 23:21)

The Gospel readings show us the humility of Jesus in two very different circumstances. Indifferent to the adulation of the crowds as he rode into Jerusalem as he was to their mockery and scorn a week later. The Jesus we love is unaffected by those who proclaim him king as he rides into Jerusalem and is also unaffected by those who call for his death. In both cases, Jesus refuses to be diverted from his divinely appointed path.

The gospel passages remind us of our need to be humble and to treat adulation and contempt with benign indifference. In the classroom we are in a privileged position with our students who look up to us for our knowledge and wisdom. It can be easy to be affected by the sincere adulation from our students or parents, and even easier to be hurt when students and parents criticize us. “By the fraternal character of their community life and their active and disinterested presence among those they serve, they bear witness to the possibility of true brotherhood among people and nations.” (Rule: 1-5) As cooperators with Jesus Christ, we dedicate our lives to God through education.

Reflection Questions

  1. What is your last remembrance of feeling that Christ loved you? Thank him for this.

  2. You did not give yourself earthly life nor can you give yourself eternal life. Both earthly life and eternal life are gifts that come from outside of oneself. Ponder this reality and thank your Heavenly Father.

  3. Only Christ could raise Lazarus, such that Lazarus needed to be “untied and let go.” Ask Christ to “raise something” in you so that you might be “untied” and better able love God and neighbor. Tell Christ that you will be thankful no matter how he chooses to respond to your prayer.


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