Haiti Advent Appeal

This Year’s Goal: Providing for the Children and Staff at Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle College in Port-au-Prince

Dear Lasallian Colleagues,

The District of Eastern North America is conducting its ninth Advent Haiti Appeal. The challenges in Haiti have been significant this past year with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing political and social violence.

The focus of the Advent 2021 appeal is expanded from previous years to include the Women and Children’s Health and Nutrition Center as the Brothers are now responsible for this ministry located within their educational compound. Additionally, funds will be sent to the Lasallian schools in the north of Haiti to address food insecurity concerns among the students attending those schools and as always it will address specific educational needs of Collegio Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle in Port-au-Prince, currently educating over 900 students.

We are very grateful to all who donated to assist in supporting the educational work in Haiti in the past, and we are most grateful for any assistance that you can provide this year.

Have a blessed Advent,

Maryann Donohue-Lynch
Associate Executive Director
Office for Mission and Ministry

Giving Needs

While every gift makes an impact, our goal of $10,550 would help provide the following:

Paint for the primary building that hasn’t been painted since the school’s opening $1,200
8 desks for the teachers $200

4 office chairs  $200

Bookshelves & furniture for the library  $800
Furniture for the computer room  $1,100
Printers for several offices  $750
Copiers for printing student exams  $500
New blackboards for some classrooms  $800

10 new solar batteries for security lights $1500

Breakfast program to address food insecurity $2,000
Assistance with student checkups at the clinic $1,500


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Other Lasallian Schools in Haiti

There are seven Lasallian schools on the island of Tortuga, with a mixture of primary, secondary, and both. Many schools have sessions in the morning and in the afternoon, with the total student population at 2,686 (as of October 2018).


  1. Marie-Mediatrice, La Vallée 
  2. Saint-Sauver, Mahé 
  3. Notre-Dame de Montry
  4. Saint-Louis Marie Grignon de Monfort
  5. College Saint-Miguel Febres & Notre-Dame des Palmistes
  6. Sacré-Coeur aux Plaines
  7. Saint-Joseph & Notre-Dame-De-Fátima, Port-de-Paix

Student scholarships in Haiti are the greatest need