UPDATE: January 25th, 2012

As part of Haiti Solidarity Week, the District of Eastern North America – Office for Mission and Ministry sponsored a delegation to the Saint John Baptist De La Salle School in the Cazeau section of Port Au Prince Haiti. While in Cazeau, the delegation enjoyed the hospitality of the Brother’s school community. The focus of the delegation was to continue conversation with the school’s administration regarding a partnership between Saint John Baptist De La Salle School and the District of Eastern North America. The school, a work of the District of Antilles/ South Mexico was in response to the increasingly desperate need for education in the country post the 2010 earthquake that destroyed the capitol of Port Au Prince and took such a human toll.

The doors of the school opened in October 2012 as the teachers welcomed grades 1-4. The people of Cazeau were all eagerly awaiting a school in their neighborhood and told the delegation that they could not believe their good fortune when the Brothers of the Christian Schools announced plans to construct a school in their neighborhood. The overall project involves several Phases. Phase Two will be a health and nutrition clinic for women and children. The clinic is a joint project between the Brothers and the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Phase Two also includes plans for a community garden as the women and children will be instructed in the basics of food preparation and nutrition through the work of the clinic. Also included is a Third Phase which is a planned technical school that will focus on animal husbandry and agriculture.

Special Thanks to Those Ministries that Particpated in Haiti Solidarity Week:

Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Brooklyn, NY

Calvert Hall College High School Towson, MD

Central Catholic High School
Pittsburgh, PA

La Salle Academy
New York, NY

La Salle Academy
Providence, RI

Saint Raymond High School for Boys
Bronx, NY

Saint Raphael Academy
Pawtucket, RI

La Salle students show their solidarity with Haiti – The RI Catholic >


While in Cazeau, the delegation had the good fortune of spending a morning with Bro. Martin Rocha FSC, the Brother Visitor of Antilles/ South Mexico who was in Haiti visiting his District’s ministries. It was very fortuitous to be able to spend time with Brother Martin for it provided an opportunity to discuss ways to support the plans for a Lasallian presence in Port Au Prince. We will continue to update the website as plans develop.

District of Eastern North America Delegation to Haiti: January 9-12, 2013

  • Phil De Rita, Director of Communications and Public Relations – DENA
  • Maryann Donohue-Lynch, Associate Executive Director for Mission and Ministry – DENA
  • Christine Gorman, Guidance Counselor, French Teacher – De La Salle College “Oaklands” -Toronto, Canada
  • Bill Merriman, Dean, School of Education and Health – Manhattan College – Riverdale, NY
  • Michel Rousselle, OCT, – De La Salle College “Oaklands” -Toronto, Canada
  • Alan Weyland, Executive Director for Mission and Ministry – DENA
  • Mary Wilby, MSN, ANP, BC, School of Nursing – La Salle University – Philadelphia, PA


In response to the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010, the Institute initiated the Saint John Baptist de La Salle School in Port Au Prince, Haiti — which opened October 1 — an apostolate of the District of the Antilles-South Mexico.

In June 2012 at the invitation of Brothers Nelson Anaya and Lanes Escarmant, DENA’s Br. Dennis Malloy and Alan Weyland visited the school. Just as the District of Eastern North America Action Plan for Mission calls for the District to develop new opportunities to connect with Lasallian ministries outside of our District as we continue to be, as stated by Br. Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria, FSC (Superior General), “a District without borders.” As a result of the visit, the Mission Executive Council is exploring ways in which our District can partner with the District of Antilles – South Mexico to help support this important educational initiative.

Learn more about the Saint John Baptist de La Salle School >



Haiti Solidarity Week

January 6-12, 2013

This will be held January 6 (Feast of the Epiphany) – January 12, 2013 (3rd anniversary of the earthquake). During this time, it is requested that our District ministries spend time in prayer for Haiti and take time to reflection upon the current challenges that exist in Haiti.

Prayers for Haiti Solidarity Week >

Catholic Relief Services – Haiti Quake Response and Resources >

Catholic Relief Services – Journey with Haiti: Earthquake Three Year Anniversary Report >


DENA Delegation to Haiti

January 9-12, 2013

A District delegation will serve as a follow up from the June 2012 visit by Br. Dennis Malloy and Alan Weyland. The Delegation will visit Saint John Baptist de La Salle School to meet with administration to explore how the District may partner with this Haitian educational ministry.