3/29/2011 – New York, NY – Dr. William C. Hambleton, President of whambleton2La Salle Academy, has been selected by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) to receive the Secondary Education Award at the association’s annual convention in April. The honor recognizes Dr. Hambleton’s exceptional leadership in preserving the “mission to those in most need” at one of New York City’s oldest and most distinct Catholic high schools. The Most Reverend Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, noted, “From my own observations during my recent visit to the school, I have no doubt that the NCEA selected wisely in choosing Bill Hambleton to be honored.”

La Salle Academy was founded in 1848 to serve the sons of immigrant families, but as the new millennium dawned, La Salle was struggling with financial stability and maintaining balanced budgets. The financial collapse of 2008 had a dramatic impact on the school and threatened to end the 160 year old tradition. Dr. Hambleton and the Board of Trustees engaged in a strategic planning process in order to identify new financial structures and avoid the looming school closure. Through a series of coordinated actions, La Salle Academy relocated its student body from 2nd Street to 6th Street in the East Village of Manhattan and simultaneously leased their 2nd Street building to a for-profit private school. The leveraging of the property provided an annual income stream that allowed La Salle Academy to retire its debts and move the issue of deferred maintenance of its buildings to a third party.

Dr. Hambleton recently gave a presentation of La Salle Academy’s success story at the annual conference for the Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators (LASSCA) in St. Augustine, Florida. The Visitor for the District of Eastern North America of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Br. Dennis Malloy stated, “The relocation of La Salle Academy, the focus on improving student culture, and the targeted efforts to raise enrollments are part of Dr. Hambleton’s legacy at LSA.”

Having been revitalized through the work of Dr. Hambleton and the Board of Trustees, La Salle Academy is empowered to continue its educational mission for many years to come. Dr. Timothy McNiff, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, joined in the congratulations for Dr. Hambleton, stating, “The recognition NCEA is bestowing on Dr. William Hambleton is certainly commensurate with the leadership he has given and continues to give LaSalle Academy in New York City. The education that La Salle Academy provides underprivileged students is remarkable; his administrative talents and devotion to La Salle Academy are just as remarkable. Congratulations Bill Hambleton!”