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Spread the word and vote for Tulsa’s San Miguel School 8th grade as the Most Extraordinary Class on the Today Show. San Miguel Tulsa is one of four finalists. Vote on

From 8th grade San Miguel teacher Anna Sullivan:

Hello! I have been teaching at San Miguel for the last 5 years. San Miguel is a middle-school serving low-income families in Tulsa OK. I recently entered my 8th graders in a “Most Extraordinary Class” competition sponsored by NBC’s Today Show and Universal Studios. I submitted a 3-min video on why my class is extraordinary. The winning class receives an all-expenses paid trip to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida – 3 days, 2 nights.

San Miguel School and the families that attend the school, operate on very low budgets leaving very little or no money for FUN. The majority of the 8th graders have never been on an airplane, or stayed in a hotel and certainly have not attended a giant theme park. Although they’re only 14, they have to complete many adult tasks for their families; cooking, cleaning, babysitting, translating in court or at doctor’s appointments, etc. They rarely get a chance to just be kids. Because of this, when I heard of the Today Show competition, I knew I had to at least try.

NBC aired our video on the Today Show in March. We were then chosen as one of eight semi-finalists. At this point, the Today Show came to Tulsa, filmed in my classroom, then interviewed 4 of my students and me. From there, we are now one of 4 finalists, which means on Monday morning, between 8:30 – 9:00 central time, my 8th grade class and I will be on the Today Show. Then there is a 3 day online vote, then winners are announced on Thursday.

Kids are constantly told to dream big and imagine the impossible. This is much easier for wealthy Caucasian children. When you are 14 yrs-old and Latino, it is easier to feel like the world is against you. These kids are constantly dodging obstacles and being told NO. For the Today Show to recognize these kids as extraordinary is the best boost of confidence they may ever receive.

I could tell you a story about each student in my 8th grade class. Each story would break your heart and make you eternally grateful for the childhood you had. I wish you could meet each one of these students and learn that they don’t see themselves as victims, they don’t sit and feel sorry for themselves but rather focus on making their life and their families lives better. My students are by far the most amazing and extraordinary. To see all their smiling faces boarding an airplane would be the most extraordinary thing I’d ever witness.

Finally I ask that you forward this to anyone you know.

On the 8th graders behalf, thank you.

Anna Sullivan