Lasallian Youth Assembly 071414-06
Philadelphia, PA – The 2014 Lasallian Youth Assembly got off to an awesome start Monday morning as Brother Charles Kitson FSC wowed those gathered with an awesome keynote address, following a very “moving” morning prayer! The talk, entitled “Goggling God-a young Lasallian’s Search for God” called upon the young people gathered to recognize their uniqueness, their special gifts and talents and use those to create a world that reflects God. “There are four Gospels but I want to challenge you to live your life as if you are writing a fifth gospel- your gospel- your story of your journey with God.”
The presentation continued with images of God’s love for us as found through a variety of videos such as God does not make mistakes:

Students reactions: “The best presentation I ever heard!”  “Inspiring!”  “Brother Charles can move! He’s a great dancer!”  “Made me think about my relationship with God in a different way”  “I love the idea of the fifth Gospel” “Now, I have an understanding of what it means to be a Lasallian!”

Buzzing from the morning presentation, students were sent out in mixed groups for a Lasallian scavenger hunt, enlisting their cell phone cameras as their tools, and the University’s campus as their backdrop. Upon completing the hunt, students and moderators headed into the city of “Brotherly Love” to explore the National Liberty Museum. The evening was spent student service group meetings, preparing for the next day’s work of community service.