La Salle Academy honors its Veterans with their diplomas who served in WWII before graduating

John E. Unsworth, Class of 1944 (right) shakes hands with Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, and would be presented with his La Salle Academy Diploma by his son Reverend John Unsworth who particpated in the Veterans' Day Mass. La Salle Academy President Br. Michael Mc Kenery looks on.

John E. Unsworth, Class of 1944 (right) shakes hands with Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, and would be presented with his La Salle Academy Diploma by his son Reverend John Unsworth who particpated in the Veterans’ Day Mass. La Salle Academy President Br. Michael Mc Kenery looks on.

Each year on Veteran’s Day we pause to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, who have fought to protect our freedoms.

On Wednesday November 11th, 2009, La Salle Academy, Providence honored the brave men, both living and deceased, who left before graduating to serve our country in World War II, with their high school diplomas.

Robert F. Dalton, Class of 1945 (seated) was one of the six surviving Veterans that were honored with their high school diploma, seen here with his nephew Barry Noel

Robert F. Dalton, Class of 1945 (seated) was one of the six surviving Veterans that were honored with their high school diploma, seen here with his nephew Barry Noel

La Salle Academy was able to locate a total of 25 Veterans or their families in order to confer the honorary degrees, with 6 living Veterans recognized at the mass and ceremony led by the Most Reverend Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of Providence. For those Veterans no longer with us, the Diplomas were presented to family members.

“One of the school’s Lasallian mottos is ‘Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve,” said La Salle Academy President Br. Michael Mc Kenery, FSC. “That’s exactly what these brave men did. It is a privilege to honor them with their High School Diploma.”

Honoree John J. Sousa, Class of 1943 (right) chats with a family member during the reception following the Veterans' Day Mass

Honoree John J. Sousa, Class of 1943 (right) chats with a family member during the reception following the Veterans’ Day Mass


The Men Who are Still With Us

Class of 1943
John J. Sousa
Richard A. Trottier

Class of 1944
Gilbert M. Oliver
John E. Unsworth

Class of 1945
Robert F. Dalton
Joseph P. Madden


The Men Who are No Longer With Us

Class of 1942
John F. Allard *
Joseph F. Dooley
Henry J. Gumbley

Class of 1943
John J. McGann *
Robert J. Cooke
F. Francis Gallogly
Edward T. Harkins
Raymond Jamrog
John J. Smith, Jr.

Class of 1944
Edmund A. Camille
James F. Costa
Cosmo E. Giovine
Edward G. Mernick
John J. Murray
Edmund J. Smith

Class or 1945
Daniel J. Reardon, Jr. *
Joseph C. Buote
Thomas J. DePetro
Matthew R. Leyden


* Died in Service to our Country