Riverdale, NY – As an extension of the original “Illuminations: The Life and Work of Saint John Baptist de La Salle” initiative, members of the of the 2019 IALU cohort collaborated with the offices of Mission, Marketing and Communication, and Information Technology Services to create a self-guided window tour app to allow users to explore the windows that depict significant events in Saint John Baptist de La Salle’s life. Ten windows guide viewers through key moments in the Saint’s life — from his childhood in Reims, to the vows he took with his Brothers, to his death in Rouen and his glorification in heaven, where he is welcomed by Christ and acknowledged as a great teacher by Saint Ignatius Loyola. Two additional windows — depicting the Nativity of our Lord and Jesus as teacher (“Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me”) — help to provide the gospel context for the De La Salle narrative.

You can participate in the tour by accessing the web app (webapps.manhattan.edu/illuminations).

Click here to read the story on the Manhattan College website.