
9/5/11 – Freeport, NY -“It rocks!”, said Manuel when asked to describe his experience as a fifth grader at The De La Salle School. He and his 17 classmates form school’s tenth class!

The members of the Class of 2007 are entering college and Andrew, now enrolled at Adelphi University, called the school’s president Br. Thomas Casey, FSC to report that the initial days of his experience have been “awesome”.

The most recent alumni of DLS-Freeport begin their high school careers this week. Ten of them gathered at the school Wednesday August 31st to meet older fellow graduates and to receive suggestions about how to ensure a smooth transition to their new learning environments. Mr. Kevin Rall, Director of our Graduate Support Program, coordinated the evening that was marked by a blend of supportive camaraderie and nervous energy.

To mark the start of The De La Salle School’s tenth year, an art contest was conducted during the summer. The challenge to students was to describe the experience of The De La Salle School without using words. A committee chaired by Dr. Jean Dominici DeMaria, OP, Professor of Art at Molloy College, reviewed the entries. Other judges were Dr. Josephine Belloso, Mr. Marty Bevilacqua, and Br. Anthony Scotto, FSC. Russell (pictured), an eighth grader, drew the winning entry. Sr. Jean incorporated his image of a hand knocking into the school’s existing logo. It notes that The De La Salle School is a place “where opportunity knocks”. Russell won a $50 cash prize and the runner up Christian B., a seventh grader, received $25.