Retreat Gratifying for Brothers in Initial Formation

Napa, CA – “It is gratifying and life-giving experience to be with young men in all stages of formation who are earnestly discerning God’s plan,” said Brother Anthony Baginski, FSC, who serves at Central Catholic High School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

16 Brothers in various stages of initial formation in the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) gathered for retreat together October 15-18, at Mont La Salle, in Napa California. The gatherings, which happen twice a year, are opportunities for Brothers to connect across the Region to share in formative experiences together, as well as build community together.

“As a first year postulant, I was ecstatic to participate in the retreat held at Mont La Salle,” said Brother Steven Barbaro, a postulant from the District of Eastern North America living at the Regional Postulancy at Jeremy House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

“It gave me the chance to make bonds and get closer to my Brothers from across RELAN. The value that I’m taking away from this retreat is listening to God’s call and the love of God’s healing grace.”

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