bramble-chc6/13/13 – Towson, MD — Effective July 1, 2013, Mr. Frank P. Bramble, Sr. will assume the Office of the President of Calvert Hall College High School. Appointed by Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC, Provincial for The Brothers of the Christian Schools District of Eastern North America, in consultation with Calvert Hall’s Board of Trustees, Mr. Bramble will serve as the school’s interim President. He is a graduate of the Class of 1966 of Calvert Hall and has served on its Board of Trustees. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Bank of America Corporation and is a retired Vice-Chairman of MBNA. Additionally, Mr. Bramble is very active in the Archdiocese of Baltimore serving on various boards and committees.

“The Board of Trustees enthusiastically welcomes Frank back to the school to assist during this transition and appreciates his willingness to serve. We are fortunate to have someone of Frank’s character, experience, and expertise to lead the institution at this time,” noted Stephen J. Budosh, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

“We are blessed to have an individual of Frank’s caliber and character, willing to assume the interim presidency at Calvert Hall. We also look forward to Frank’s leadership and assistance with a thorough search for the next permanent president,” commented Charles Maskell, incoming Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

The Calvert Hall community expresses its thanks to Br. Thomas Zoppo, FSC, for his leadership and service to the school and its students over the past four years. He stepped down from his role as President last week citing personal and professional reasons, effective June 30, 2013.