Brothers Recovering from Spanish Civil War

The Christian Brothers of the District of Valladolid (Spain) have recovered from the Spanish Civil War to the point that they have reorganized all of the schools which they conducted before the war and can now wear their religious robes. The District of Barcelona, however, is in a distressed condition, with 160 Brothers safe, 75 arrested or executed, and 140 scattered with little information.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown, NY), September 1938, p. 13.

Over 15,000 Vocations Worldwide

Statistics show that 15,117 vocations from Brothers’ schools throughout the world have recently emerged. Of these, 7,557 are numbered among the diocesan clergy, 2,963 have entered religious orders, and 3,901 “have entered the ranks of their former teachers.”

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Ammendale, MD), Fall 1938, p. 65.

Emperor of Ethiopia Meets Brother

Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia met Brother Camillus Edward of St. Augustine’s HS on October 3 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC. Three grandchildren and two children of Princess Aida (the Emperor’s granddaughter) study at St. Joseph’s School, a Lasallian school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

FSC, December 1963, p. 1.

Canadian Districts

The Christian Brothers in Canada have three districts: Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto. Their cumulative manpower is 1,140 Brothers in 79 schools with a total of 34,500 students.

Bulletin of the St. La Salle Auxiliary (Barrytown, NY), December 1938, p. 20.

Nazis Close Schools

Fifteen of the colleges of the Christian Brothers in Austria, involving 350 Brothers and serving 4,000 students, have been ordered closed in August by the pro-Nazi civil authorities.

 Bulletin of the St. De La Salle Auxiliary (Aurora, ON), September 1938, p. 57.