
Malagasy Republic Visits

In August 1964, the president and his spouse of the Malagasy Republic (the island of Madagascar, off Africa) were guests of honor of the Christian Brothers at the Mont La Salle Novitiate property in Napa, CA. The trip was sponsored by the U.S. State Department.

FSC, September 1964, p. 4.

Brothers’ Visas Expire, Return Home

Five Irish and two English Christian Brothers had to leave Burma (now Myanmar); their visas were not renewed — an indication that they were not welcome there.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1964, p.19.

50 Days Retreat for Directors

Br. Erminus Joseph (Melofchik), longtime Baltimore District director of novices and then the visitor general for the houses of formation for the US and the Philippines, gave a 50 days’ retreat for the directors of the Brothers’ communities in Australia and New Zealand.

Institute Bulletin, July 1964, p. 190.