British Museum Wants La Salle Mag

The British Museum ordered and received all issues thus far of Four Quarters, the faculty magazine of La Salle College.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, March 1963, p. 5.

District Size

The largest districts in the world in terms of membership are:

  1. St. Louis District (715 Brothers)
  2. New York (622)
  3. North Belgium (550)
  4. Baltimore (525)
  5. Valladolid (512)

There are still 82 Brothers behind the Iron Curtain, but no students.

New York Newsletter, June 1, 1963, p. 4.

Mel Ferrer as De La Salle!

The Europe-based film about the life of De La Salle is progressing. Mel Ferrer will play the Founder; it will start with Adrien Nyel’s departure for Reims; and all “takes” will be finished in fall 1963.

Newsletter of LI-NE, March 15, 1963, p. 5.

French Bros Go Secular

The Brothers in France will now wear secular clothing (suits and ties) when outside the Brothers’ residences and schools, in place of traditionally wearing the robe in public. The French clergy now wear the Roman collar and suit.

Newsletter of LI-NE, March 15, 1963, p. 2.


50NationalBookbyMaillefer022La Salle Translation Praise

Brother Didymus John (Quinn), provincial of the Baltimore District, has received much praise for his translation of the early life of De La Salle by Maillefer.

Newsbriefs of Baltimore, April 1963, p. 2. Image is from Lasallian Digest, Spring 1963, p. 89.