"Peace is Possible"


7th Annual International Lasallian Days for Peace

“Peace is Possible”

September 21st – October 21st

Each year, the International Council of Young Lasallians calls upon Lasallians throughout Institute to participate in this month long peace awareness project. Starting on September 21, 2013 (the United Nations’ sanctioned International Day of Peace) and ending on October 21st, we as Lasallians will be fostering peace in our world through prayer, study and action.

Our hope is that each ministry will provide its own personal touch to the four weeks of the program. Your school can participate in workshops, prayer services, volunteer experiences; however your ministry participates, is up to you, and only limited by your imagination!

We hope you will post your activities and photos to the International Council of Young Lasallians facebook page or send information to icyl@lasalle.org so the worldwide Institute can see what you’re doing to promote peace.

Monday October 21, 2013

On a District level, we request that each of our DENA ministries ask their faculty/staff, Lasallian Youth, or even their entire student body to wear white to promote peace on the last day of this month long project – Monday Oct. 21st. If you can, take a picture and send it to Phil De Rita, Director of Communications, and he will post it to the District website, District and Young Lasallians’ Regional Facebook pages. At 12 noon, we also ask all of our DENA ministries to host a moment of silence so that all Lasallians of the District can be united in prayer/study/action for peace.

Some different ideas and initiatives to promote peace have included, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Volunteer work experiences both within and outside your own district
  • Commitment to live a simpler, less consumeristic life-style, to promote justice & peace
  • Assembly activities in schools
  • Prayer services
  • Workshops / Campaigns / Art Exhibitions
  • Peaceful marches
  • Sending of letters to local authorities calling for Peace in specific areas of conflict
  • Intercultural or Inter-religious activities

For further updates, correspondence, and information on the International Lasallian Days of Peace project, you can contact icyl@lasalle.org. Download the ILDP poster (below), spread the word, and let’s take action for peace! Thanks for your participation.


English transcript for Br. Alvaro’s video message (above)

International Council of Young Lasallians – Peace is Possible (lasalle.org)

International Council of Young Lasallians Facebook page

Young Lasallians RELAN (Regional) Facebook page

DENA Facebook page


Click here for the ILDP Poster


Click here for the ILDP Prayer