Bros ALL!
I was very happy to read this morning the very positive and forward looking letter that was just posted from the International Young Brothers Assembly.  They recognize the challenges to our vocation today but move on from there to thoughtful reflection on action to move ahead and call us all to re-double our efforts on behalf of our future for our own fraternity, for the mission, and with our Partners.  Well done!
Charlie, Dennis, Jim, when we meet on Monday to discuss Summit logistics let’s be sure to include this in the packet of brief articles to be sent to all Summit participants.  Let’s also discus with Phil and Chuck how we can feature this on the website, post to Communities next Wednesday, and sent each of our Contacts.  Let’s also share with Alan for Chief Administrators posting, and Maryann for her posting to Campus Ministers, Religion Department Chairs, and Lasallian Animators.   When we have good news we need to promulgate it widely.
 Rick & Jim, this could also be a good document to use in the next Visions along with a little feature on all our “young” Brothers, their ministries, hopes for the future.