June 1, 2020
Dear Brothers and Lasallians,
We continue to share the ongoing good news about the rehab of Charlie Barbush. The plan is for Charlie to move to the Methodist Church Home (directly across from Jasper Hall at Manhattan College) today to begin sub-acute physical rehab. In speaking with him yesterday, he shared his gratitude for all the prayers. May the prayers and good wishes continue.
- Sharing Initiatives. We are happy with so many initiatives that are going on all across the District in this COVID moment. Here is one that has a connection among Ammendale, Bedford Park and CBC, Manhattan College. Thanks, Ed Phelan, for sharing with us.
- Sharing Our Own Reflections. During this extended uncertain time, we continue to invite any among us who would like, to share some of your own insights, reflections and/or inspirations. It could be what you are doing during this crisis or perhaps what this crisis is doing to you. This engaging reflection comes from The Burgh! Thank you, Kevin Dalmasse.
- Chefcast. Keeping with the Pittsburgh theme, our latest broadcast comes to us from the kitchens of the community at Central Catholic. Today, Chef Chuck Huber whips up a delicious Stir Fried Chicken recipe for your pleasure. Thanks, Chuck. And remember we welcome other talented chefs and bakers to volunteer. Just contact Non-Chef Dennis to volunteer!
- Reflection from Bryan Massingale. We have all been horrified by the video of the death of George Floyd. In the midst of our COVID-centeredness, we have pause to reflect on this virus that has been around for centuries. (This morning, you should have seen a previous email from me for suggested DENA responses, and the call to join a Racial Justice Coalition. You can find the information of the fscDENA website.) For today, this gifted Theology Professor at Fordham University gives perspective and substance for reflection.
- Timely webinar. The Lumen Christi Institute is hosting a webinar tomorrow at 6 pm, EDT. The topic is “Lessons After the Lockdown: Public Health, Economics and the Common Good.” You can register at this link. And if you are not able to attend the webinar live, they will send a link to the video recording of the session that can be accessed through YouTube. Thanks, Robert Wickman, for alerting us.
Please stay safe. Stay at home. Stay mindful of others. Stay amazing.
Richard Galvin Lawrence Goyette Dennis Lee