June 8, 2020
Dear Brothers and Lasallians,
We continue to share the ongoing good news about the rehab of Charlie Barbush, who did move to the Methodist Church Home last week and is getting stronger by the day. May the prayers and good wishes continue.
- Trinity Sunday Reflection from “our Bob.” We are grateful for this outstanding, timely reflection, written to the entire Institute, by the Superior General, aka “our Bob”, on the occasion of Trinity Sunday in COVID times. Thank you, Bob Schieler.
- Richard Rohr CAC videos. Many of us receive daily reflections from Richard Rohr. He and four of his CAC (Center for Action and Contemplation) teachers have put together twenty short videos reflecting on practices we can be doing during this COVID moment. Thanks, John McMahon, for alerting us.
- Sharing Our Own Reflections. During this extended uncertain time, we continue to invite any among us who would like, to share some of your own insights with our DENA communities, reflections and/or inspirations. It could be what you are doing during this crisis or perhaps what this crisis is doing to you. This engaging reflection comes from across the Canadian border! Thank you, Dennis Berry.
- Chefcast. Time for dessert! Thanks, J.D. Macioce for sharing this amazing Pistachio Cake with us. And thanks to your grandmother, as well!
Relating to the events of the past two weeks:
- Racial Justice Coalition Sign-ups. As you saw last week, we have begun a Racial Justice Coalition. Thanks to the 28 DENA Brothers who have already joined, among the 203 Lasallians who have signed up. You can still join by visiting the Social Justice and Advocacy section of our website, and reviewing our Racial Justice initiatives page.
- Prayer Service. We have been amazed at the protests that are bringing people together, with no space for practicing social distancing. That is how significant this world-wide movement is! We pray for safety as we unite as one world. Here is a prayer that can be used in our communities.
- Bryan Massingale article. In case you missed it last week, this article by Bryan Massingale has created lots of great conversation. We share the link one more time for those who may have not had the opportunity to read it last week.
- Georgetown University. This video, “Racism in our Streets and Structures”, organized by a Georgetown University initiative, is a frank conversation among Catholics pertaining to the multi-faceted realities sparked by the death of George Floyd. Lots of C’s in the exchange: COVID, crisis, Catholic, community, change, communication, and concrete action.
Please stay safe. Stay at home. Stay mindful of others. Stay amazing.
Richard Galvin Lawrence Goyette Dennis Lee
My continued prayers and all best wishes for Charlie B. at the MCH. Great place. Many of the Brothers’ parents and family members passed through this Home during their final years. Excellent care and first rate personnel.