2017 Christmas Card Contest Winner

Justin Cullins, winner of the 2017 DENA Christmas Card Contest
Justin Cullins
Calvert Hall College High School
I was taught growing up that it is most important for me to have a passion for Jesus Christ. When I think of Christmas, I imagine Jesus’ birth as described in Bible scripture. This is what inspired my artwork. As I began to draw, I had an image of Jesus as a newborn being held by Mary and comforted by Joseph. I imagined the wise men bringing gifts and worshiping the newborn, and this helped me shape my image.
My time at Calvert Hall has been an adventurous opportunity so far. In relation to art, I had the opportunity to create a panting at the request of my teacher, Mr. Doyle. It was put up for and sold at auction at this year’s Calvert Hall Gala to benefit the school. As an athlete I’ve had the opportunity to play football and run track for The Hall. I plan on going to a great college for architecture, or even pursuing an art career.

Justin Cullins – Sophomore – Calvert Hall College HS – Mr. Jim Doyle