
LaSalle_Providence-Tucson_TripA group of eight students from La Salle Academy, Providence will be traveling with Mrs. Kristine Chapman and Mr. David Martinez to Arizona over April Break for a week of service-learning with the students of San Miguel High School, a Lasallian school in Tucson, for a program called El Otro Lado.

“Over several days, El Otro Lado teaches students about the positions of humanitarian nonprofits, the federal government, Native Americans, and American ranch owners in the Tucson Border Patrol District. The program shows students the physical realities of immigration, empowers them to fight for social justice, and connects the diverse Lasallian community. It also helps students recognize and break stereotypes of migrants, and people living and working on the border.” – by Elizabeth Moors Jodice in De La Salle Today, Winter 2012 edition. Follow their journey on this site: https://tucsonlsa.blogspot.com/