lsa-warm-coat-drive11/28/12 – Providence, RI — During the month of November, students, faculty, staff, and administrators at La Salle Academy collected several hundred gently worn coats for the needy in Rhode Island. On the morning after Thanksgiving, members of Lasallian youth joined by Mr. Patrick Reilly (Religious Studies department) and Ms. Christine Estes (Campus Ministry) delivered the coats downtown, near the state house, where local advocacy groups sorted and distributed them. This effort was part of a larger, state-wide initiative to get coats to those in need. The annual event has been happening in Rhode Island for more than 15 years.

L to R: Adianna San Lucas, Moez Ghumman, Gian Calise, Jude Bernard, and Evie Jansen with Campus Minister Christine Estes and Religion Teacher Patrick Reilly.