coach-hotaling08/01/12 – Troy, NY ­ Ted Hotaling has been all over the world playing basketball. Tuesday he came back to where it really all started. A graduate of the Class of 1991 from La Salle Institute in Troy, NY, Ted Hotaling, the current Head Coach of Men’s Basketball for the University of New Haven (CT.) Chargers, was in the gym for current La Salle Institute Varsity Basketball Coach Steve Sgambelluri’s summer camp. Hotaling started speaking to the 30-plus high school campers by joking how he was hesitant to come because of how Sgambelluri’s playoff game-tying 3-pointer for Saint Rose against a young assistant coach named Hotaling still haunts him. Hotaling praised Sgambelluri as a player and coach and wished the Cadets the best of luck in the coming season. Hotaling guided the campers in a few drills on shooting, passing, catching, and ball control, and also left them with a few words of advice for going forward in the game of basketball and school. He stressed some points that he uses at UNH: “becoming is better than being,” and be a growth mindset player not a fixed mindset player – enjoy the mindset of becoming better in all aspects. Hotaling is returning to New Haven for his 3rd season as Head Coach.