5/24/12 – Troy, NY —This Memorial Day, as we celebrate the beginning of Summer, please take a moment to remember the 59 men of La Salle Institute, and all service men and women, who gave their lives in the service of our nation and our freedoms.

La Salle Institute

  • Sgt. Michael A Avakian, USA

  • Pvt. Philip J. Bishop, USA

  • Capt. Paul M. Brown, USA

  • Glenn Brust ‘64

  • Pvt. William Bulmer, USA

  • Pvt. John Burke

  • S 1/c Ottavio Cochi, USN

  • Pvt. Joseph A. Collopy

  • Corp. William J Connery

  • Lieut. William De La Mater, USA

  • Pfc. Paul De Voe, USA

  • Corp. William Dillon, USMAC

  • Pfc. William Dugan, USA

  • Donald Egan ‘60

  • Lieut. Joseph English

  • Lieut. Michael Farrell

  • Pfc. Michael Furdyna, USMC

  • Lieut. Roland Gagon, USA

  • Lieut. James Halton, USA

  • Pvt. Benjamin Hayner, USA

  • Pvt. Stephen J. Healy

  • Lieut. Joseph Hemingway, USA

  • Capt Trebor W. Hemingway, USA

  • Pvt. John J. Higgins

  • Pvt. Christopher King, USAF

  • Frank Landau ‘05

  • Pfc. James J. Larkin, USA

  • Lieut. William Mackey, USAAF

  • James Masotti ‘55

  • Pvt. Bertram McDermott, USA

  • Lieut. John J McFadden, USAAF

  • Pvt. James McGuir, USA

  • Pvt. James McLean, USA

  • William McNulty ‘64

  • Pvt. John J Neilson, USA

  • Lieut Col. William J. O’Brien, USA
    (Winner Congressional Medal)

  • Major James J. O’Donovan, USA
    (Former instructor, La Salle Inst. Regt)

  • Gun. Mate John O’Grady, USN

  • T/S James H. Mons, USMAC

  • Sgt. Wilfred Poulin, USA

  • Lieut. Peter Pryor, USA

  • Corp. John Rea, USMAF

  • Pvt. John J. Ridings

  • MM2/c Thomas Roberts, USN

  • Pvt. Thomas J. Smith, USA

  • Pvt. Joseph A. Tobin

  • Corp. William Vece, USA

  • Capt. Howard M. Wall, USA

  • Lieut. Carl Weisbrod, USAAF