06/25/12 – Los Angeles, CA – Every year La Salle University Explorers and students from countless other institutions of higher education take part in the Campus Movie Fest, the world’s largest student film festival. The festival travels from university to university screening submissions by the best and brightest from each institution.

This year, La Salle University’s submission titled “Empty Pages” was selected by the Campus Movie Fest reviewers as La Salle’s best picture. Department of Communication students Andrew Groy, Dave Grzybowski, Sean Gubitosi, Mike McCoy and Catherine Zini produced the film.

Several weeks ago these students learned their film was selected as one of the national finalists for “Best Story” for the Campus Movie Fest Award Ceremony held at the Globe Theatre in Hollywood, CA. On Saturday, June 23, the Explorers were present at that ceremony when their film won the “Best Story” first place award.