Much to the delight of students from both La Salles, a presentation of the fake check took place at the University’s homecoming basketball game. Click for larger photo
Philadelphia, PA – Sigma Phi Lambda Fraternity of La Salle University recently sent a check to La Salle Academy for approximately $14,000. The fraternity brothers raised the money by staging the fifth annual Coach Charles Torpey Memorial Phive K (5K) last October. Over the years the event has raised over $40,000 for the school and has allowed La Salle Academy’s President, Sister Jeanne McGowan, to purchase much needed computers and printers for student use.
Much to the delight of students from both La Salles, a presentation of the fake check took place at the University’s homecoming basketball game in late November, cut from the bank of Br. Gerard Molyneaux, FSC.
Back Row: L to R – La Salle Academy’s Ms. Teresa Diamond, Principal and Sr. Jeanne McGowan, President; and the Coach Charles Torpey Memorial Sig Phive K committee of Sigma Phi Lambda Fraternity Mike Kowalski, Jeff Seidl and Shawn Haak. Front Row: L to R – Amani, gr. 7, Christian, gr. 6, Scarlet, gr. 7, Ricky, gr. 6.