Riverdale, NY – Lasallian education in service of the common good … science, technology, and Catholic Social Teaching … preparing “graduates for lives of personal development, professional success, civic engagement, and service to their fellow human beings.”

When it comes to cancer, early detection is key. It’s what motivates Gloria Bauman, a grad student at Manhattan College on a project she hopes will lead the way to even faster detection equipment.

And she’s lending a hand to a rather unlikely source: George Giakos, a professor of electrical and computer engineering.

Technology is deeply intertwined with medicine, of course, and what Bauman and Giakos have cooked up is no different. The two are developing a smart imaging system that can not only detect various kinds of cancer, but their stages and grades as well.

“I believe this new approach could possibly improve the diagnostic process for lung cancer screening, as well as improve the overall quality of patient care,” Bauman said.

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