Lasallian Family Musical Tour - SJCI at West Catholic03Philadelphia, PA / Washington, DC – What’s better than upbeat swing choir coming to your school? When it’s your Lasallian family stopping by for a visit! West Catholic Preparatory High School, hosted the St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Swing Choir while they were on their spring “Goodwill Tour” to other cities. The St. Joes men, along with young ladies from four Buffalo area high schools, put on a great musical act for the Philadelphia Lasallian family, that also included Mr. Matt Joram’s 7th grade class from La Salle Academy.

With a great variety of music, solos, choreographed dance and movement, and a little comedy mixed in, the St. Joe’s Swing Choir had the audience tapping along. If you were watching, you could even catch some of the La Salle Academy students in the front row, singing along with solo selection from the Disney film Frozen.

After the performance, there was plenty of opportunity for Lasallian association. West Catholic’s choral and music students hosted St. Joe’s for some conversation and Philadelphia pretzels, and La Salle Academy students got to catch up with their favorite Swing Choir singers, and two La Salle Academy graduates who now attend West. Lasallian Youth participants from both High Schools managed to connect as well, and share the past memories of Summer Lasallian Youth Assemblies. It would be a short time before the Swing Choir would have to hit the road, as they were heading to their next stop, St. John’s College High School, in Washington, DC, for another round of song and association.

For the St. John’s College High School experience, check out their Performing Arts blog, where they covered all the action, and got some student reactions, too!