Agents of Awakening at U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities

Philadelphia, PA – La Salle University, Lewis University, Manhattan College, and Saint Mary’s College of California are four Lasallian Catholic institutions featured among 102 Catholic colleges and universities who are engaged in anti-human trafficking activities.

In April 2017, La Salle University hosted a five-day symposium on human trafficking. The symposium, I Am the Cause, I Am the Solution: A Symposium on Human Trafficking, included a movie screening, speakers, and a discussion panel about perspectives from the public and private sectors.

Lewis University offers a Peace Studies – Minor, an interdisciplinary program within the College of Arts and Sciences. This program critically engages students in addressing contemporary social justice problems and building “just peace.” Allowing students to pursue a wide variety of humanitarian and justice related topics including human trafficking, students engage with studies in the classroom and in service learning projects.

In 2015, Manhattan College hosted Slavery No More: Breaking the Supply Chains of Human Slavery, a conference on human trafficking and slavery. As a precursor to the conference the college invited Kevin Ryan, CEO and president of Covenant House, to speak at the College about youth homelessness and human trafficking earlier that same year. Other programming included dialogues with survivors and field professionals.

In 2016, Saint Mary’s College of California held the event REACH: Exploitation and Trafficking in Your Backyard, where participants were invited to engage in panel discussions and learn how anyone can fight human trafficking in their own community

An Executive Summary of the Report can be found at: