General Chapter of 1966

This first article appeared 50 years ago in Lasallian Digest (Winter 1964), pp. 41-44). Br. Frederick Thomas (Stokley) of the Baltimore District was invited to preview the approaching 39th general chapter (international legislative meeting), which met in 1966-67. This landmark game-changing chapter propelled the Brothers into a modern and rapidly evolving world. Ironically, the Brothers of the Christian Schools are nearing their next general chapter (their 45th in 2014) which will meet in Rome as did the historic 39th.

Read the full article here

The Christian Brothers

Our second article also comes from the 50-year-old Lasallian Digest (Winter 1964), pp. 93-96. Its topic, which is much more general in nature, registers the impact of the Christian Brothers—admittedly in Chicago, but to be applied virtually anywhere—on the author, Rev. Clarence Brisette, OSM (Servite of Mary).

Read the full article here