57 recent college grads, went back to College so to speak, from July 24th through August 2nd to be trained and prepared for a year of volunteering.

During their lunch in Lincroft, DENA LV Ricky Vides (center) and fellow Volunteers share some time with Br. Anthony Flynn (right).

LV staff (from left) Zac Ufnar, Mari Ancizek, Jolleen Wagner, and Alisa Macksey confer blessings on 2nd year Volunteers Melissa Spahr (front) and Kaitlin Depuydt, who will be serving in the Bronx this year.

Brothers Ed Gallagher and Leonard Rhoades confer blessings on Dylan Perry (left) and Mike Fedoruk, who will be living in the Brothers’ West Catholic community.

Brothers, family, and friends joined in the Commissioning Ceremony, calling LV’s to service, and offering prayers of support.
La Salle University hosted the 10 day training where Lasallian Volunteers learned the skills needed to be successful at the ministries they will be serving. Subject matter ranging from professionalism, to cultural and diversity awareness, to classroom best practices, to spirituality were all covered during the orientation program. Ice breaker activities, along with prayer, social activites, and a luncheon with the Brothers at De La Salle Hall in Lincroft, New Jersey also allowed for LVs to get to know each, and bond during this experience.
During the Orientation week, Volunteers also had the opportunity to meet and give thanks to supporters of their program during the first ever Lasallian Volunteer Awards. In a ceremony at Christian Brothers Academy – Lincroft, Joanne and Tom Darnowski, Heather Ruple, and Br. Ed Gallgher were honored – in the spirit of Br. John Johnston, Br. Chris Bassen, and Br. Michael Farrell – for embodying the values of Faith, Service and Community.
Volunteers ended the orientation program with the Commissioning Ceremony, in the Chapel of La Salle University. It is at this time that Volunteers were given their charge of dedicated service and education, in the charism of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, to the young, especially the poor. Over 20 Brothers were on hand, showing their support, and to confer prayers and blessings on the Volunteers, as they depart for their respective ministries and communities. In the District of Eastern North America, 23 Volunteers will serve in 14 of our ministries.
2010-2011 DENA LVs
Samantha Almanza
San Miguel Middle School
Providence, RI
Shannel Bennisano
Tides Family Services
Pawtucket, RI
Alex Branch
La Salle School
Albany, NY
Kaitlin Depudyt
Manhattan College
Riverdale, NY
John Dixon
Saint Gabriel’s Hall
Philadelphia, PA
Mike Fedoruk
La Salle Academy
Philadelphia, PA
Nalui Garcia
Tides Family Services
Pawtucket, RI
Necie Kennedy
La Salle Academy
New York, NY
Kenny Latta
La Salle Academy
New York, NY
Kelly Lazarowski
Martin de Porres School
Springfield Gardens, NY
Roy Lepolszki
Saint Gabriel’s Hall
Philadelphia, PA
Denny Majewski
La Salle School
Albany, NY
Dylan Perry
West Catholic High School
Philadelphia, PA
Michael Phipps
San Miguel Middle School
Providence, RI
Mike Ramirez
La Salle School
Albany NY
Katie Rose Quandt
St. Frances Academy
Baltimore, MD
Laura Quijivix
The De La Salle School
Freeport, NY
Amanda Rodela
Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS
Brooklyn, NY
Melissa Spahr
Bronx, NY
Jennifer Tyndall
San Miguel Middle School
Camden, NJ
Vicki Valusek
St. Frances Academy
Baltimore, MD
Ricky Vides
Tides Family Services
Pawtucket, RI