Mr. Zac Ufnar will head the recruitment efforts for the LV Program

zac_ufnarWe are very happy to announce that Zac Ufnar will be the new Coordinator of Recruitment for the LV program. Zac is a graduate of Central Catholic High School (Pittsburgh) and received his Bachelors Degree in Education from Mercyhurst College. Zac spent two years as a Lasallian Volunteer at San Miguel Middle School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As a Lasallian Volunteer, Zac served as the 6th-8th grade social studies teacher, supervisor of the breakfast nutritional program as well as basketball and volleyball coach.

After his service years in Tulsa, Zac applied for and received the Lasallian Scholarship to La Salle University. For the past year, he has been working on his Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages. He has also spent the year as a Community Assistant responsible for the safety and well being of 30+ residents. He has promoted the Lasallian Volunteers program, and post graduate volunteerism in general, as a Catholic Network of Volunteer Service Campus Recruitment Associate. He received training on various strategies for promoting and recruiting students for volunteer programs on college campuses.

We feel that Zac will be a strong addition to the LV staff and we are excited to have him on board. Zac is “Elated to serve the Lasallian mission at a greater capacity through the Lasallian Volunteers and looks forward to meeting more Brothers and Lasallians throughout the country who are excited to continue the mission.”

He will begin working in mid to late June, and join the rest of the staff at Christian Brothers Conference in Washington, DC. Please help us in welcoming Zac to the staff!

Alisa Macksey – Director