“In the international arena, the mobilization of women to denounce situations that hinder fairness and respect for their fundamental rights becomes increasingly evident, as they demand the necessary conditions to guarantee their full human development. It cannot be ignored that it is necessary to redefine the way people live together, the ways in which we collaborate and connect in all areas of our social life considering the gender issue: work, family, academic, culture.” —Declaration on the Lasallian Educational Mission 2.2.1

“Our goal is to provide monthly funds…so that personal female hygiene items, primarily sanitary napkins, can be purchased by the school nurse and distributed as needed to the many female students. This will allow the girls to attend school and keep up much more effectively with their schoolwork.”
College Saint Jean Baptist de La Salle
Pad Project: Hygiene and Education for the Advancement of Women

“ Lasallian Women of Hope is a powerful program which has transformed the lives of many young women in our college. The program has helped our girls have some basic things which were beyond their reach. We are very grateful to the program and those who contribute toward this life-changing activity.”
“ I am so grateful for this program as it not only helps me to stay in school but it helps me to know I am not alone. I feel supported in my education.”
Mwangaza College
Pad Project: Programming for the Advancement of Women

“Almost everything in the package was new to them so I demonstrated how to use those things. I could see that they were thinking and wishing that they could be able to use such things every day in their lives, but they are unable to do that. That really touched me, and I was silently in tears.”
Lasallian Family of Papua New Guinea
Pad Project: Hygiene Hampers, 2022 Women’s Symposium, Lasallian Women Advocates for Change

“ To be a Lasallian Woman of Hope is a window into the lives of others and gives a glimpse of how we can be an instrument of hope and change in those lives.”
Tsholofelo Community Squatter Camp
Pad Project: Sewing Project, Early Childhood Development Program & Teacher Training
Get Involved During the 2020-2021 academic year, the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) highlights LWH as part of a worldwide effort to provide inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. The campaign, Education: Let’s Build Our Future Together, was developed by the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools’ Solidarity and Development Secretariat network. The campaign encourages Lasallian schools to host classes, financially support and energetically promote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) to “ensure universal access to inclusive and equitable quality education.”