Washington, DC – Districts and ministries in the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) stand united in denouncing the killing of George Floyd, calling for action and change, and taking steps to make real change happen.

Brother Superior General Robert Schieler, FSC, released this message to Brothers and Lasallian Partners in RELAN on June 5, encouraging Lasallians to “persevere in our educational mission to bring about systemic change for a more just and peaceful world for everyone.” Read the full message below.

Among the efforts already in process here in DENA, a number of colleges and universities have introduced plans for conversation, healing and action, and students of De La Salle High School in Minneapolis helped organize a Sit to Breathe Sit In at the Minnesota State Capitol.

For additional resources, statements and plans of action from across RELAN, visit the Regional website

Letter from the Superior General

5 June 2020

Dear Brothers and Lasallian Partners of RELAN,

In the readings of the liturgy for June 3 Saint Paul writes to Timothy that the “word of God is not chained.” For this reason, he says, “I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, together with eternal glory.”

We know that God wills that all be saved. We are all chosen. We are all sisters and brothers. We are one family. As Lasallians, we know this truth; we live this truth. We believe as today’s Gospel recounts that the two greatest commandments are love of God and love of neighbor.

In this difficult time for our country, we echo Pope Francis’ conviction of what God seeks from us:

The Lord asks us and, in the midst of our tempest, invites us to reawaken and put into practice that solidarity and hope capable of giving strength, support and meaning to these hours when everything seems to be floundering.

Lasallians are people who live in solidarity with neighbors near and far, who witness to fraternity, where the dignity of everyone is respected and honored. Like the many good people in our local communities, we are at our best when everything seems to be floundering. We know that racism, poverty and injustice are endemic in society. These evils are not easily eradicated. Therefore, we persevere in our educational mission to bring about systemic change for a more just and peaceful world for everyone.

Today, we call on all political leaders to be healers and unifiers; to heal divisions among our citizens, uniting all for the common good. Today, we recommit to our educational and evangelizing mission to bring healing and unity to our communities, our schools and our societies.

Your Brother in Saint La Salle,

Brother Bob

Brother Robert Schieler, FSC

Download Brother Superior’s letter as a PDF