Manhattan College hosts its 11th Annual Relay for Life
Calvert Hall dedicates its Loyola Lacrosse match to Believe Big

4/14/12 – Riverdale, NY – On April 14, Manhattan College hosted its annual Relay For Life event, and student volunteers raised nearly $14,000 on behalf of the American Cancer Society.

From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., at least one member of each of the 40 relay teams consistently walked around the track at Draddy Gymnasium.

“This is the 11th year of the Relay For Life at Manhattan College, and the student committee starts planning for the event in September,” said Kevin McCloskey, coordinator of the College’s campus ministry and social action and staff adviser for the event.

“The planning and overall event offers students the opportunity to raise money for an important cause, and teaches the students about money and donation.”

This year’s 12-hour event was organized similar to a carnival with 237 volunteers, and money was raised through a variety of channels. Many students participated with student organizations and purchased tickets to have a booth at the event. The committee also reached out to students and the College community online by sending email blasts, and advertising with Facebook and Twitter via the American Cancer Society’s donation website.

“We also celebrated luminary and fight back ceremonies during the whole event to recognize those who have fought and helped fight or care for someone who has been affected by cancer,” said Brittney Johnson, student co-chair of the event and a senior majoring in psychology.

The Relay For Life committee at Manhattan College will continue fundraising until Aug. 31, and the final donation amount will be announced in September. For more information on the event, visit YouTube to see a video spotlight.