Post Parkland, LASSCA Stands with Students, Issues Statement of Solidarity

UPDATE: In light of the March for Our Lives in Washington DC at the nation’s capitol, many smaller marches took place in local cities, with our Lasallian students in attendance, and in some cases being deeply involved in the discussion.

Brothers Insight: March For Our Lives Rally – CBA Syracuse

On March 24th, more than 1,000 people participated in a March for Our Lives Rally, organized by CBA’s junior class student, Phylicia Latorre and a few of her classmates. At the March for Our Lives, the final words of Philly Latorre’s speech to the gathered crowd were, “to listen.” Philly could have offered countless words of advice:

“Demand change!” “Make people hear us!”

Instead, Philly chose to encourage people “to listen.” Listen, not just to hear, but to understand. Listen, not just to understand the words, but to understand the person, their life, and their experiences. Listen, not just to people with the same opinion, but all people. Truly listen.

For the full reflection offered by Principal, Matthew Keough, click here >

Syracuse News coverage >

UPDATE: Throughout the United States – Many Lasallian students, supported by Lasallian educators “walked out” of schools Wednesday, March 14, in solidarity with the educational community at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Whether through prayer services and reflective discussions, or advocacy for school safety and reduction in gun violence, Lasallians made their voices heard throughout the Region, just one month after the tragedy in Parkland.

From around the District:

From around RELAN:

Mr. Edward Bernot, Principal of Saint John Paul II Academy, Mr. Matthew Keough, Principal of Christian Brothers Academy Syracuse, and Br. Daniel Aubin, FSC, President of Saint John Paul II Academy, present the final statement of LASSCA for approval to the entire group gathered.

Orlando, FL – This week, the Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators (LASSCA) has gathered, exploring the theme “Lasallians Without Limits: Overcoming the Barriers to Success.” In light of the recent tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, these Lasallian leaders have come together publishing a statement of solidarity with Lasallian students, pledging their support to young people.

A Statement from the Lasallian Association Of Secondary School Chief Administrators – 2/28/18

The Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators (LASSCA) gathered this week in Orlando. We represent 52 Catholic schools from throughout North America, which are conducted in the educational tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

We stand in prayerful solidarity with all those mourning the loss of lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and elsewhere, and with all those working to prevent such tragedies in the immediate future. All young people deserve care and guidance as part of their educational journey. They deserve to be safe in their schools. They deserve to be heard and taken seriously on this issue and on other relevant issues. We support all those seeking and advocating for policies that protect the safety of students in schools and urge politicians with different perspectives to do the same. Our young people are our treasure and deserve our best protection.

We should listen to them and honor their voice with our most united efforts to ensure their safety.

Download the official statement LASSCA here >

Mr. Edward Bernot, Principal of Saint John Paul II Academy addresses LASSCA.


“Yesterday I spoke with my students who are organizing how they can continue to support their friends and the Parkland community. Many of our students at Saint John Paul II [Academy] lost friends and have been connected to this tragic event from the beginning. It was one week ago today that we were formally welcomed into the Lasallian family. My students were excited about this and asked me ‘so what does this really mean?’ Today, by you making this statement here at LASSCA, I can say to my students ‘this is what it means to be part of this family.’ Thank you!”

– Mr. Edward Bernot, Principal – Saint John Paul II Academy, Boca Raton, Florida