Around the table left to right: Pam Turzo, Marianne Sheehan, Anna Tufano, Maryann Donohue-Lynch, and Bill Gault discuss plans for the upcoming Legacy Lasallians Retreat.
Investigate and develop ways that invite and support Partners that are no longer in direct service to the Mission in a District ministry to remain engaged in the Mission and continue their vocational journey (Directional Statement #9, DENA Action Plan for Mission)
Eatontown, NJ – A gathering of retired Lasallians Partners was recently held at the District Office to plan for an upcoming retreat to be held November 7-9, 2014 at Christian Brothers Center, Narragansett, RI.
This group “Legacy Lasallians,” as they are currently called, represent a growing number of Partners who, as they retire from active ministry or leave a Lasallian ministry, are not, in their words, “leaving the Lasallian charism or mission behind in retirement.”
As stated by one of the meeting participants,
“In the book Seasons of Strength by Evelyn and James Whitehead they write: “A vocation is not a once-and-for-all call in young adulthood. It is a lifelong conversation with God… In such a developmental vision of a vocation, fidelity is more important than memory. To be faithful entails recalling an earlier invitation; it requires that we remain in the conversation. Our fidelity must be mobile because the conversation continues.”
“Personally, I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of something like Legacy Lasallians because after 35 years of faithful service to the Lasallian mission of the Church, this is a way to continue the ‘spiritedness’ of what I’ve lived and how I’ve lived over the past 35 years! I am able to be able to continue to be inspired by those who touched my life with a zeal of gentleness and kindness in order to continue God’s work in my own life. This provides a sense of community and a way to remain in conversation with those who support the mission.”
In addition to the upcoming retreat, the Partners plan to work together with retired Brothers, participate in local geographic Association groups such as RILAG, PALM, LAMM, and LAAST and commit to daily prayer. If you are interested in the November retreat or additional information, contact: Maryann Donohue-Lynch at donohuelynch@fscdena.org
Legacy Lasallians: We, who continue to embrace, animate, and nurture our vocational call
through faithfulness to the Lasallian Mission