Br. Thomas Casey, FSC - Auxiliary Visitor

Br. Thomas Casey, FSC

Dear Brothers and Lasallians,

In the fall of 2016 I had the opportunity to live for a month in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.  I was with twenty-five other Catholics representing eleven countries as we studied the Gospel of Mark and reflected on its message.  Actually living in the part of the world Jesus called home enhanced my experience greatly.

Every day in Jerusalem I witnessed groups from around the world piously walking the Via Dolorosa amid the clamor and crowds.  They paused to pray and remembered Jesus’ journey to Calvary.  The cohort of pilgrims I was with made the journey reverently recalling way of the cross, and the one who carried it, in the predawn silence.  Either way the witness of Christians to a path of reconciliation in a divided city was clear.

During Lent in 2018 Dennis, Rich, and I urge you to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Ps. 122:6).  We encourage you to consider not just that Holy City, but all the relationships and situations you are aware of, and maybe even are party to, that are fractured or broken.  We invite you to realize that the road to healing is best travelled with Jesus since he is our guide to wholeness and peace.

The Office for Vocations offers this Lenten Self-Guided online retreat as a companion for your journey during the upcoming season and hope you find it informative and helpful.

Fraternally, with prayers and best wishes,

Thomas Casey, FSC

Auxiliary Visitor