Dear Brothers and Lasallians,

I made it! Some days I can share the news with the Brothers in my community that I reached my daily goal of walking 10,000 steps. The goal I’ve set for myself is a challenge, a time commitment, and an incentive. When the app on my phone indicates successful progress I experience a welcome sense of accomplishment. Of course, there are days when busy travel, schedule constraints, inclement weather, or personal ennui impede the achievement of reaching the 10K mark.

In a sense, my annual journey through Lent is usually similar to my daily step count. The season is always an opportunity to embark on an intentional pilgrimage with the goal of deepening my spiritual life. Not every day evokes a euphoric announcement that I made it but each step is a move in the right direction.

We invite you to record some steps of your own on your journey to Easter. We hope that this online Lenten section serves as a helpful resource on your journey as you continue “to walk humbly with your God” (Mi 6:8).

Br. Thomas Casey, FSC
Auxiliary Visitor